OUR MANAGED BUSINESS SERVICESWe have a variety of business services covered under our Managed Business Service Group, which is administered based on your current needs, and always managed to focus on just the services that you need at any given point. This means you will never be locked in to a specific service, if you later decide to pick up or cancel any one of the services that was included in your initial plan agreement.
Tax/Compliance ServicesNavigating through today's tax environment takes the experience and expertise’s of top-notch tax professionals, who can help you, not only comply with increasingly complex regulations, but also help minimize their impact on your business. At 10 Key Accounting & Financial Services, we have worked in this capacity to serve organizations for more than 14 years. Constantly changing rules and procedures means having someone who knows you, your business and the tax implications that affect it and having but one objective, "reduce your tax burden." We will tailor our approach to meet your specific needs, helping you to manage tax risk, control costs and reap maximum tax benefits. At 10 Key Accounting & Financial Services we look at the 'big picture' so that you have the right strategies in place now...and for the future. We have years of experience in preparing corporate, partnership, schedule C and non-profit tax filings, and we will make sure that your compliance does not infringe upon your right to pay least amount of tax allowed by law. We don't take short cuts, or misuse the IRS filing laws, but we are aware on how to interpret savings and reductions, not normally known to general tax preparation services or individuals. We do this by working with your organization as tax advisers, providing a tax strategy that fits your business, and not just the IRS tax forms.
Full Cycle Accounting ServicesIt is critical that your business remains in optimal operating condition, and that you are aware of how every dollar effects whether you survive or fail. Taking the position of "we'll deal with that when it comes" approach may be too late to react. 10 Key Accounting & Financial Services can step in and be the sustaining life support to get you through these lean times, and have you well prepared to take every opportunity to succeed once we recover from the recession. From keeping your bank statements reconciled to preparing effective budgets, we are here to assist you with whatever cutbacks you have to curtail within your current accounting department, at a cost that is much less then you think. We are able to do this by a synergy of resources that acts as a lifeline, supporting those needs that provides you with continuous financial monitoring, and gives you up to the minute information, which allows you to make instantaneous decisions. The ability to seize the right opportunity are often missed, or passed because of unpreparedness, and/or the ability to visualize your future business potential. 10 Key Accounting & Financial Services are currently working with various clients, providing the type of services and needs to assist them in overcoming the challenges of today for a better outcome tomorrow.
Payroll/HR ServicesWe offer an array of payroll, and human resource services tailored to just what your business needs. Our full payroll services include timekeeping, payroll processing, payroll tax management, payroll check disbursement, and payroll expense tracking. You can rely on us to answer employee concerns, issue W2's, direct deposit or anything to do when it comes to your business payroll tasks. You have full access to our online payroll software to observe up to the minute information on your entire payroll for your business. In conjunction with that, is our HR/Personnel services, that can handle your HR needs. From the application process, background checks to handling unemployment and workers compensation matters, we have the ability to accept applications/resumes and narrow down your search to just the candidates you wish to interview. Once hired, we will be the point of contact for HR issues such as maintain federal documentation, maintaining online employees files, employment verification's and references, and handling unemployment/workman’s comp claims. Our monthly payroll/HR business report, enlightens you to your entire payroll cost, new hires, vacation/sick pay expense, and other vital payroll/HR information all in a easy to read format.